Tuesday, June 9, 2015

RS Activity Night: Freezer Jam

RS Activity Night: 

Strawberry Freezer Jam!
Thursday, June 9th
Ward Building

Come learn how to make strawberry freezer jam! We will also get to taste-test the jam on fresh homemade bread, and everyone will get to take some of the jam home with them as well. We hope to see you all there!

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Relief Society Activity FHE Night!

Our next Relief Society activity will be held at the church building this Thursday, May 14th, at 7:00 pm. We will be brainstorming/sharing ideas for Family Home Evenings, listening from a few sisters about their favorite activities for their families, and making a little craft to help us all plan FHE activities easier (while getting a few fresh ideas in the process).

There will be a corner of the cultural hall that will be set up with toys for kids to play with while the sisters participate in the activity. You may also bring a favorite dessert to share with the other sisters!

Hope to see you all there!

Monday, April 13, 2015

Cooking Club Change!


We will be changing the theme for cooking club this month. Unfortunately, our Tamale expert won't be able to come this Wednesday, due to scheduling issues. SO, we will be doing Fruit this month and Tamales in May....a little late but in honor of Cinco de Mayo. :)

This Wednesday at 7:30 we will be meeting at my house to sample fruit dishes. Prepare and bring a sample of a dish using fruit (this can include anything from fruit salad, your own canned fruit/jam, fruit desserts, fruit smoothies,  fruit main dishes, etc.). Basically, anything that includes fruit. (We picked this theme to help us know what to do with fresh fruits this coming season...if that helps...but really none of us are picky.) If you can't think of something, just come and enjoy the company. We would love to see you!

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

RS Night

Come to this month's RS Activity Night!

Tuesday, April 7th, at 7:00pm.
Freedom 1st Ward church building.

We will be learning how to make "quick mixes" (ie. brownies, cake mixes) for food storage with Rohnda Fox. This activity will also be combined with Freedom 2nd Ward.

We hope to see you all there, it will be a great learning opportunity and fun experience!

Monday, March 9, 2015

Relief Society Birthday Dinner

You're Invited to the Relief Society Birthday Party Dinner for YOU!

Thursday, March 12th
6:30 PM
in the Cultural Hall

Join us for dinner & dessert!